Draw and Write into the Night

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A bi-lingual literary publication will be written, illustrated, translated, compiled, printed and distributed within 24 hours!

At 7pm on Saturday November 23, at Studio No. 5 (169 Jiashan Lu, No. 5) registered writers and artists will submit theme ideas for the publication. The theme will be drawn from a hat at 8pm sharp! Writers will have until midnight to compose their work and submit either by hand or by e-mail. The deadline for artists is 6am. The Desire Lines team will work deep into the night and through the day translating each piece, scanning artwork, and compiling and printing the book.

The following evening, November 24 at 7pm participants and the general public will gather as each writer, artist, and musician shares an excerpt from their work on stage.

Please visit http://www.desirelines.org/ for more information.