Exhibition Date: April 19-20, 2014
Exhibition Venue: Shanghai Ecodesign Fair, The NEST (105 Puyu Xi Rd, Shanghai)
Artists: George Kaye, Siu Tang, Zhang Jian-Jun and Barbara Edelstein, and individual ecographs creators
Partner: Xuhang Town Kite Club
Sponsor: Shanghai EcoDesign Fair
Air, 气,हवा, אוויר , hewa, לופט, umoya, ਹਵਾ, هواء. The thing that flies in our nostrils and flies though our lungs, flies over the treetops and across the cosmic night goes by many names. That Flies is a kite exhibition and interactive public artwork which invites everyone to devise a new name for the “thing that flies”, to make kites and decorate them with these names, and then to see if they fly.