A More Beautiful Question


A More Beautiful Question

How can our minds be made more fertile ground for beautiful questions to germinate? Here are two inter-related ideas that rely on art.

  1. Compose questions. Of course most questions are not extraordinarily beautiful, but ALL questions have the potential to lead to more beautiful ones. Getting in the habit of composing questions is a matter getting in front of things that invite inquiry– like art. The nearest artwork probably conjures up a score of questions, be it fine art, commercial art, a childs’s drawing or otherwise. Better yet are arts initiatives that actively solicit questions and build dialogue towards a more beautiful question.
  2. Revere questions. A small reverence for questions makes us more receptive to their possible nuances, and less likely to miss something beautiful. One can build reverence for questions by associating them with art. After all, the stature of all religious symbols, state insignias, great leaders etc. has been elevated through depiction in works of art, so why not the lowly question mark? Beyond artful renderings of the question mark, what rich interactive art experiences might be conceived that build reverence for questions?

Please freely add comments below and/or add a question to the wall!


If you see one that you would like to revise, or if an entirely new question springs to mind please use the box below to submit. Your new question will be added to the top of the list.

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