
A proposal for a public art installation by Monika Lin
Central Textiles Yarn Spinning Facility, ZhanJiang, Guangdong, China
Scrap yarn and fabric, discarded objects and metal wire

Central Textiles manufactures yarn for the denim industry, producing more than 70 million lbs annually, the weight equivalent of approximately 46 million pairs of jeans. The denim industry is extremely resource intensive, and Central Textiles is engaged in building an organizational culture that by default fosters new opportunities for reducing its environmental footprint.

“Nesting” consists of a mixed media sculpture that will be situated in one of the company’s spinning facilities in ZhanJiang, in southern Guangdong Province. The sculpture portrays a flock of birds in the process of building a nest on a tree branch, an activity indicative of a complex symbiotic relationship with the environment and a model of sustainable manufacturing. The artwork will be built approximately six-times life size, and will be made entirely out of discarded materials from the facility and surrounding factories. In its final design and construction the artist will enlist the creative help and skills of the facility’s staff.

Artist’s statement: “In the natural world, recycling and symbiotic living is not only a way of life but a necessity. Birds are an excellent example of this in the building of their nests. Twigs, discarded objects, string, papers, in cases even pieces of tire and plastic bags find their way into the intricately woven structures.”

ARTSpring is seeking funding for this project. For more information please write to the email address below.

For more information on Central Textiles download the company’s sustainability report.