Dates: Sundays, 9:30am-11:00am, March 20,2016 (Tree species survey and drawing); March 27 (Drawing and paper folding); April 10 (theater/dance improvisation and drawing); April 17 (writing and book concept planning workshop).
Venue: Time Tree Library (and nearby sites), Yangpu District, Shanghai
Guides: George Kaye, Da Ni, Shi Xiang, April Xiong.
Sponsor: Time Tree Library
This series of workshops will start with a survey of trees around the campus of Fudan University. We’ll describe the outer qualities of leaves we find using drawing as a perceptive stimulus. In the second workshop we’ll investigate the internal changes within leaves, especially their mechanisms of germinating and growing, through experimentation with paper folding. In the third workshop we will consider leaves as dynamically evolving in relation to their environment through various theater games and brush and ink works. In the final workshop we’ll review artworks and related research and plan for a book compilation / exhibition event.